
Building upon over 25 years of successful law practice in Georgia, I also offer MEDIATION SERVICES in Divorce and Family Law cases, as well as in General Civil Litigation matters.

While a lawyer represents only one side in a dispute, a Mediator helps adverse parties reach a settlement agreement and avoid the costly burden of lengthy litigation. Going to Court for a trial typically relinquishes the parties’ control over the final outcome of a case. Further, a Judge’s ruling may be unsatisfying to the parties and result in future litigation.

By contrast, with pre-trial mediation, those same parties meet in a safe, judgment-free forum. They work with the Mediator towards a mutually beneficial agreement and the final resolution of their dispute. The result is normally a peaceful end to the conflict. A mediated settlement agreement usually provides a more stable, predictable course of action. That agreement is presented to the Judge for the Court’s acceptance. In the vast majority of cases, the parties will not need to appear in Court once the Judge approves the mediated agreement.

  • Suppose you are an unhappy spouse desiring an uncontested divorce, but are overwhelmed by the complex topics involved. In that case, mediation may be the best way to settle quarrels regarding child custody, child support payments, regular and holiday parenting time, alimony, property division, and the allocation of marital debt. A mediated settlement usually allows for a quicker, more cost-effective dissolution of the marriage.
  • If you are a litigant whose case seems stuck in limbo and reaching an agreement seems impossible, mediation could help you create a solution that works for everyone involved. It could even help to restore your relationship with the other party, whether it is a business partner, next-door neighbor, or family member.
  • If you are an Attorney with either court-ordered or voluntary mediation coming up, I stand ready to assist you as a state-registered Neutral with practical experience before the local courts. I can also provide a set of fresh eyes to “reality check” the case from all angles, should you desire such input.

With empathy, creativity, and a remarkable ability to appreciate difficult situations from multiple perspectives, I am an outstanding choice to serve as your next mediator. Mediations can be done in person or via Zoom.

Let me help YOU conclude your case!

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